Kingston InSightS

the KISS project

The KISS project is designed to develop community awareness through art and increase the awareness of art throughout the community.

Ten professional artists have been chosen from the Kingston region by KISS facilitators Iand Hodkinson and Julie Fiala. From May to November 2003 the artists will collaborate with various community groups to produce multidisciplinary expressions that emphasize the diversity of communities in Kingston and their relationship to the fabric of the city.

The project will conclude with an exhibition, presentations and a discussion forum.

Discussion Forum: November 30, 2 pm - 4 pm
Victoria Hall Common Room, 75 Queen's Crescent

Reception: November 30, 4 pm - 6 pm
Agnes Etherington Art Centre Atrium


Project Director: Ian Hodkinson ................Project Coordinator: Julie Fiala

the KISS artists - ten community groups

Jill Battson with Farmer's Market Vendors
Ben Darrah with Barriefield Community
Sandra Jass with Local Construction Workers
Alana Kapell with Collectors
York Lethbridge with Funeral Directors and Service Providers
Clarke Mackey with Former Federal Inmates
Jocelyn Purdie and Residents of the Swamp Ward
Mitchell Shewell with the Native Community
Kathleen Sellers with McBurney Park Users
Deborah Washington with Street People