KAC eNewsletter will be sent to your inbox the last
week of every month. Here is the most recent edition.
KAC eNewsletter's Aims
Its focus will be news about the latest work of the
Arts Council in the Kingston region, as well as any
arts news we consider to be newsworthy. Your Arts
events will now be posted to the website when we receive
Our Common Wealth Project - A
Call to Writers
If you are an established Kingston writer and would
like to commit to writing two or three reviews during
the season, of performances or other arts events
in the area, in exchange for two complimentary tickets
to that event, please add your name to our writers'
list by sending
us an email. Indicate your area of
arts' interest and your contact numbers please.
Review a concert. Discuss a favorite work. Write
about an up-and-coming young performer. We encourage
you to submit reviews of shows and performances,
and your impressions of books, films, artists, local
architecture, a favourite designed object -- anything
that's arts related.
But, all of us have been influenced by the arts
or by contact with an artist at some point in our
lives. Perhaps in school. Perhaps at a show. We invite
everyone to send us your personal arts story.
If you are a member of the public, please send your
stories to [email protected] . KAC reserves
the right to veto any work unsuitable for publication.
Want To Get Reviewed?
If you are an arts presenter, please consider offering
a KAC Common Wealth writer two comp tickets in exchange
for their review. KAC will publish it within two
days of the show.
contact the office about participating in
the Common Wealth project. KAC reserves the right
to veto any work unsuitable for publication.
The Kingston Arts Council is working to bring practicing
artists together. Partly this is to allow the council
to gather information about the issues its membership
is facing in order to advocate with intelligence,
build appropriate programming, and partly to encourage
networking between the disciplines.
Following through with this emphasis on meeting with
its artists KAC plans to begin publishing responses
to shows and concerts people have seen or books read.
This is our Common Wealth together, and it used to
be call reviewing the arts.
mail us your review. Respond to art work and shows
you've seen around Kingston.
We will publish some of these reviews in the eNewsletter
and some on this site in their corresponding Arts
pages. These pages are available in the
top menu of the site.
Become a Common Wealth Reviewer.
Those writers able offer two or three reviews a season
can be added to our list of KAC reviewers.KAC will
add a free ticket to the show being attended. Email
the office.
Become a Common Wealth Arts Organization
Common Wealth Stories
In addition we, you might have stories or a memory
related to the arts. Perhaps you have made art or
performed music yourself, taken a memorable class,
played with your children and discovered something
yourself, been moved by a great show, or by meeting
and talking with an artist. Please
mail us your story.
If you would like to be removed from our list (formerly
ArtsBUZZ's list used when KAC sent out a regular arts
news email) please click
here. An email will be sent to unsubscribe you.