Kingston Arts Council

 Skeleton Park Music Festival 2009

About Us FAQ

What does the KAC do? A:We represent over 200 individual and organizational members from across the artistic disciplines, and strive to serve their needs along the themes of community awareness, political representation, professional development and public presentation. We advocate for our sector by monitoring public policy, synthesizing arts issues for the community at large, and representing the interests of artists. We also offer a range of services that allow artists to publicize their events, network, and access affordable and relevant educational opportunities.

What can the KAC do? What can't it do?

The KAC can:
  • Help you promote your artistic practice, through our artist profile pages, news feeds, and events calendars.
  • Act as an sponsor on certain grant applications.
  • Offer discounts on some of our educational, networking, and showcase events.
  • Work with you one-on-one to build or improve your administrative skills.
  • Keep you informed on topical arts related issues.
  • Monitor public policy and advocate for progressive arts policies.
  • Work collaboratively with community partners to support the vitality and sustainability of the Kingston cultural sector.
The KAC cannot:
  • Give you money for your arts project (we’d love to but we don’t have the money).
Why should I support the KAC?
  • To be a truly useful advocate for the arts, we need to represent all the artists.
  • By becoming a member you are more in tune with our activities and we are more in tune with yours. Working together and sharing knowledge makes us stronger and builds us a stronger community.
  • Being a member increases your public profile and also gives you discounts at events.

How can my arts organization partner with the KAC?

A: Call us. Let’s talk.
What are your membership prices?
A: We're trying to keep memberships as low as possible, while offering the highest value and services we can to our members. Let us know how we're doing!
  • Student / 65+ $35.00
  • Individual BASIC/Level1 $45.00
  • Individual ENHANCED/Level2 $65.00
  • Organization/Non-Profit $80.00
  • Business $100
  • Patron $50+
What arts disciplines do you represent?
A: all of them: Music, Dance, Theatre, New Media, Literature, Design & Architecture, Craft, Fine Art.
How do you decide what programming to undertake?
A: The Programming Coordinator works with staff and the Programming Committee to put together a comprehensive and diverse programming season. Requests from the  arts community and our members help shape our decisions. This programming plan is then submitted to the Board for discussion and approval.
How do I get on the Board?
A: The Kingston Arts Council Board has a standing Nominating Committee which presents a report twice yearly to fill any vacancies. Board membership is comprised of artists from across all the disciplines and/or people with a range of business related experience who can bring their expertise to bear in running a non-profit organization. To submit your name or for more information, please contact [email protected]
I'm not an artist, but I want to support the arts. What can I do?
A: You can donate money or your time as a volunteer to the many arts organizations in Kingston. You can become a Patron member of the KAC. You can attend events and buy artwork. You can advocate for the arts by talking about the many exciting artists and events in Kingston, not only to you friends, but also to local politicians.
How important are the arts to the economy?
• In Kingston, the growth in the arts labour force was at least 10 times the growth in the overall local labour force.
• In 2005 Ontarians spent $10.2 billion on cultural goods and services.
• The $10.2 billion was over three times larger than the $3.0 billion spent on culture in Ontario by all levels of government.
• In 2005 spending by Ontario residents on live performing arts ($500 million) was more than double the amount spent on live sports events ($210 million).
• In May 2006 there were 140,000 artists in Canada who spent more time at their art than at any other occupation. The number of Canadians directly employed in the automotive industry was 135,000.
• There were 3½ times as many artists in 2006 as in 1971, while the overall labour force doubled in the same period.
• in 2005 Canadian consumers spent over $25 billion on cultural goods and services; an amount that is 5% higher than the combined consumer spending on household furniture, appliances and tools ($24.0 billion).
 Are artists really that poor?
• The earnings gap of Kingston artists to the overall labour force is 41%.
• The average earnings of Kingston artists is $18,400.
• Canadian artists earn an average annual income of $22,700, about 37% less than the rest of the Canadian workforce.
• In Canada, the percentage of artists with a university degree, certificate or diploma (41%) is double the rate in the overall labour force (22%).
Why do you need my money? Don't you already get my tax dollars in handouts from the government?
• Compared with other incorporated non-profit organizations in Canada, arts and culture organizations receive much lower funding from government (28% for arts and culture vs. 49% for all nonprofits).
• Only 37% of incorporated arts and culture organizations reported having paid staff, much lower than the 46% of all incorporated non-profit organizations with paid staff.
(All statistics from Hill Strategies Research Inc)