Monday, February 23, 2009


Canadian film industry guests to participate in special events and screenings throughout festival

Kingston – The Kingston Canadian Film Festival is pleased to announce the film industry guests who will be in attendance throughout the festival, February 25 to March 1, 2009. Each year industry professionals gather in Kingston to celebrate and support Canadian cinema during the Kingston Canadian Film Festival. The full list of confirmed industry guests, including guest biographies, is available on the festival’s official website

Attending film industry guests include:

Graham Abbey – Actor, CBC TV’s The Border
Jason Anderson – Film Critic, Eye Weekly
David Barlow – Producer, CBC TV’s The Border
Adam Budd – Writer and Actor, River
Jonas Chernick – Actor, CBC TV’s The Border
Randall Cole – Director, Real Time
Kieran Crilly – Producer, Who is K.K. Downey?
Audrey Cummings – Director and Writer, Les jeux d’enfants
Darren Curtis – Director, Writer and Actor, Who is K.K. Downey?
Jared Curtis – Actor, Who is K.K. Downey?
Lee Gordon Demarbre – Director, Vampiro: Angel, Devil, Hero
Rod Deogrades – Editor, One Week
Paula Devonshire – Producer, Real Time
Avi Federgreen – Producer, One Week
Richard Goddard – Producer, CBC Radio
Amanda Gordon – Executive Director, Allan King Associates
Dan Haber – Actor, Who is K.K. Downey?
Brett Hendrie – Managing Director, Hot Docs Canadian International Film Festival
Bill Imperial – Producer, Examined Life
Pat Kiely – Director, Writer and Producer, Who is K.K. Downey?
Nicola Luksic – Producer, CBC Radio
Merrill Matthews – Animation Representative, National Film Board of Canada
Lea Marin – Producer, Examined Life


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