7th annual timepieces dance festival
Rising Sun Productions is pleased to present the 7th annual timepieces dance festival, taking place on Sunday, August 24, 2008 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the TIME sculpture in Breakwater Park, on King Street, near the Kingston General Hospital.
The festival is open to any independent choreographer, group, school or studio that chooses to participate with a pre-paid registration. The registration fee is $25.00 for groups/schools/studios and $15.00 for individual choreographers or students. The registration form includes spaces for up to five (5) pieces for submission. It can be guaranteed that at least three (3) of the pieces will be in the show, and depending on the number of pieces submitted, perhaps all five will be included. Choreographers must be 16 years of age or older. Rising Sun Productions reserves the right to make exceptions in regards to age, depending on the experience of the choreographer.
Here are some things to bear in mind prior to submitting your registration form:
All music MUST BE on a CD format and each song on a separate CD.
Stage Dimensions are 24’ x 12’
It’s a SMALL stage in a big area so be prepared!
NO CROSSOVERS behind sculpture!
The background is visible to the audience so DO NOT change sides after you’ve gone backstage. Exceptions only when it is a PART of the piece.
Scheduled between 10 a.m. and Noon, Sunday, August 24, 2008
Everyone participating MUST BE ON SITE BY 9:30 AM. TO CHECK-IN!
Registration forms must be completed in FULL! Changes accepted until August 6th
Omissions from the information requested may result in being withdrawn from the festival.
DAY OF PERFORMANCE – The stage manager will field all questions/concerns.
Direct all questions prior to the festival to myself, Dawn Sadler.
Saturday, August 4, 2008.
$25.00 (Group/School/Studio) _____ $15.00 (Individual/Student) _____
Payments can be made by Cash or Cheque payable to: Rising Sun Productions
Contact Name: ____________________________________________________
GROUP/SCHOOL/STUDIO: ________________________________________
ADDRESS(include City & PC): _______________________________________
Telephone (include cell phone if applicable): ____________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Please provide the following information for each piece. NOTE: NO PIECE LONGER THAN 5 MIN. List pieces in the order as you would like to perform them. Thanks!
Name of piece ____________________________________________________
Choreographer(s) ________________________________________________
Music (Performer/Band) ________________Name of Song ______________
Dancer(s) _______________________________________________________
Group/School/Studio _____________________________________________
Length of Piece (time) ______ Style/Tempo ___________________________
Name of piece ____________________________________________________
Choreographer(s) ________________________________________________
Music (Performer/Band) ________________Name of Song ______________
Dancer(s) _______________________________________________________
Group/School/Studio _____________________________________________
Length of Piece (time) ______ Style/Tempo ___________________________
Continued on the other side…..
Name of piece ____________________________________________________
Choreographer(s) ________________________________________________
Music (Performer/Band) ________________Name of Song ______________
Dancer(s) _______________________________________________________
Group/School/Studio _____________________________________________
Length of Piece (time) ______ Style/Tempo ___________________________
Name of piece ____________________________________________________
Choreographer(s) ________________________________________________
Music (Performer/Band) ________________Name of Song ______________
Dancer(s) _______________________________________________________
Group/School/Studio _____________________________________________
Length of Piece (time) ______ Style/Tempo ___________________________
Name of piece ____________________________________________________
Choreographer(s) ________________________________________________
Music (Performer/Band) ________________Name of Song ______________
Dancer(s) _______________________________________________________
Group/School/Studio _____________________________________________
Length of Piece (time) ______ Style/Tempo ___________________________
Please indicate if there is any restriction that pertains to any of these pieces. For example: order in the show, duplication of dancers in other pieces or groups/schools/studios.
DEADLINE IS Saturday, August 2th, 2008