Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Call for submissions: Small Works 08

Arts Council Windsor + Region is pleased to invite you to participate in and attend Small Works 08Group Show + SaleArtspeak Gallery1942 Wyandotte St. E.Windsor, OntarioJune 1st through June 15th.

Reception Friday June 6th, 7-10pm

Artists are requested to follow these guidelines:

* All work submitted must be no larger than 12" X 12" inches.
* All participants in this show must be ACWR members in good standing.ACWR Membership forms are available online at
* We are requesting that artists limit their submission of work to ten(10) items or less. (Not subject to greeting cards. Please write or typeartist name, title, price and date on back of each greeting card.Providing an envelope with each card is recommended.)
* Please note: all work must be the original work of the artistsubmittingthe items.
* Please prepare an inventory sheet in advance listing all artwork andcards, include name, address, phone number and price. Inventory sheetareavailable at
* As always with ACWR group shows, artists will receive 70% of theproceeds from the sale of their work and the Arts Council Windsor +Regionwill receive 30%.
* Artwork and cards, accompanied by inventory sheet must be submittedtheweek of May 27th, between 1-5pm to the Arts Council Windsor + Region,1942Wyandotte St. E. Windsor, Ontario.

Your participation is very much desired and appreciated.For futher information please contact:Utsy HadaroExecutive DirectorArts Council Windsor + Region1942 Wyandotte St. E., Windsor ON519 252 6855[email protected] Council Windsor + Region gratefully acknowledges the support of thefollowing: The City of Windsor; The Ontario Arts Council; Estate ofErnestJ. Waddell, The Ontario Trillium Foundation.


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