Edition #37 - Thursday,September 30,
2004 - Thursday, October 14, 2004
Kingston's diverse communities in a life- long affair
with the arts.
CATCH THE .....>())))::-...............................................BUZZ...................................
A free bi-weekly email newsletter made available to
the Kingston community. We welcome your feedback and
look forward to your submissions.
Kingston Arts Council News
This Weekend!
Calls for Submission/Entry/Auditions/Applications
Ongoing Events
ArtsBUZZ Classified
Kingston Arts Council presents Tom Cummings (T.C.) Centenary
Place: St. Lawrence College Gallery
Dates: October 4 to 30
Public Reception on Friday, October 15 from 4:00 pm
to 7:00 pm.
Special Public Presentation by Dr. Brian Osborne, president
of the Kingston Historical Society on Wednesday, October
20, 7:30 p.m.
Times: Monday, October 4, 11:30 to 5:00
Tuesday - Friday 11:30 to 5:00,
Thursdays 11:30 to 7:00
Saturday & Sunday 12:00 to 4:00
Tom Cummings attended Woodburn School and Gananoque
Highschool. The Tom Cummings show will feature early
sketches, diaries, poetry, prose and finished oil paintings
to reflect the breadth of Dr. Cummings’ nearly
eight decade career, which includes homestead life in
Pittsburgh Township, tours of Europe, military service
during WWII, teaching at the Banff School of Art, trips
to the Canadian North, life in Mattawa Valley and the
Caribbean, success as a published author, beloved school
teacher and accomplished visual artist.
Contact: Kingston Arts Council @ (613) 546-2787 or
Save the Date! A KAC October presentation: "500
Candles for Mona Lisa: Portraits and Poetry"
Date: October 19
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Wilson Room, Kingston Public Library
Free Admission: donations gratefully accepted.
On Tuesday, October 19 Ross Kilpatrick, Professor Emeritus
at Queen's, will present an illustrated lecture in support
of the Arts Council's "Kingston Prize for Contemporary
Story-Telling Workshop with Diane Wolkstein
Date: Monday, October 18 (Time and place TBA)
In partnership with the KAC, Queen's University's Jewish
Studies Centre presents a workshop with Diane Wolkstein.
Diane was the co-founder of the NYC Storytelling center
and started the first workshops on storytelling for
the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough,
TN. She has received the Award for Excellence in storytelling
and has taught mythology and storytelling at New York
University, Sarah Lawrence, The New School, and began
the storytelling program at Bank St. College of Education.
Diane will offer the workshop on Monday, October 18th
(time and place to be announced).
The workshop is for anyone who loves stories, wants
to hear more stories, or wants to learn to tell stories.Diane
will experiment with different storytelling techniques-verbal
and physical—and each person will have an opportunity
to tell a story. Wolkstein will discuss approaches to
developing storytelling talents and describe different
genres of story. She will also tell stories. Well-told
stories entertain, teach, heal, nourish the soul and
take us on great adventures. To know a good story is
to have a treasure no one can take away. Telling the
right story at the right moment is the work of the storyteller.
Andrea Dodwell exhibits during October at the Towne
Crier News Café
For the month of October Andrea Dodwell will have paintings
on display.
The Towne Crier is located at 350 King St. East.
Fall Garden Show and Sale: Concrete Sculpture and Handmade
Date: Oct. 2 &3
Time: Noon to 5 PM
Place: 133 York Street (Between Division and Barrie)
Linda Wilson with recycled garden art; Jen Gazley with
pottery and hand-made tile murals; Anne Barlow with
original oils and Tarot Card readings; and Deb Stagg
with hand-tinted B&W photography and concrete sculpture.
Please join us for art, craft, refreshments, and conversation.
Jen Gazley, BFA
Quirks and Quartz Clayworks
Hand-made pottery, ceramic tile, and murals
Plaster molds and slip-casting
Pottery lessons and workshops
Hennie Marsh and Barb Carr present "Spectrum"
"Spectrum" is a show and sale of their work
in oil, acrylic and watercolour
Dates: Oct. 1 - 3, Monday to Saturday
Times: 10:30 - 5:30 PM
Place: Springer Lounge, upstairs at the Grand Theatre
An opening reception will be held on Thursday, Oct.
7th, from 4:30 - 7 p.m.
Art Show by local watercolour artist Christina Kearns
Dates: month of October
Place: Next Church, 89 Colborne St.
Local watercolour artist Christina Kearns will having
a show and sale of her 2004 collection of paintings.
Using painting as a tool for meditation combined with
painting to music allows vibrant yet dreamlike images
to show up on paper.
Information: Christina at [email protected] or call
"Behind Closed Doors" by Artist Heather B.
Dates: October 5, 2004 to October 23
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 9
Time: 12:00 to 4:30 pm
Where: Village of Arden, Ontario (where Bridge Street
meets Elmtree Road)
Hot apple cider and homemade muffins will be served
on site. "Behind Closed Doors" comprises a
series of four doors portraying the inhumanity of people
at war and in war. Four 10 foot circles representing
the four corners of the earth and three sculptures denouncing
the detritus of war accompany the Installation. The
Installation will be exhibited in Arden, Ontario in
a country hayfield - the former site of the village
general store that recently burned to the ground after
standing for over 50 years.
Directions: Arden (Arden Road) is off Highway #7. It
is south of Ottawa, and north of Kingston and Highway
#401 between Kaladar and Sharbot Lake. Take Arden Road
through the village to Elmtree Road, turn right and
find the Installation located in the field on your left
where Bridge Street meets Elmtree Road.
Queen’s University Art Conservation Students present
an Art Conservation Roadshow
Dates: Sunday, October 3rd
Time: Noon to 4pm,
Place: Agnes Etherington Art Centre Atrium
(corner of University Avenue and Queen’s Crescent,Queen’s
University Campus)
Students of the Queen’s University Master of Art
Conservation program are offering the public an opportunity
to have their treasured family heirlooms examined by
professional art conservators. Each $20 ticket includes
the examination of one item, a tour of the Art Conservation
Program’s facilities and labs, free admission
to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, as well as refreshments.
No monetary appraisals will be made at this event, but
educational materials and a list of organizations and
websites will be available for participants interested
in learning more about their piece.
The Bookstore Cafe presents Doug McArthur, his voice
and his guitar!
Date: Friday Oct 1
Tickets: $10.
A respected veteran of the folk scene, Doug McArthur
has a voice like a cast iron bullfrog and the biggest
sounding guitar in the world ('76 Larrivee) along with
a backpack full of songs about California history, computers,
aging less than gracefully, Texas, rural Ontario farm
uprisings, epic sea ballads, 9/11, topless dancers and
the ever changing vista of the Gatineau River valley
just outside his front door.
Plan ahead: Friday Oct 8 - Mark Haines/Tom Leighton
- fiddle/accordion - $10.
The Bookstore Cafe Art Gallery: Continuing: Terence
Dickinson - STAR GAZING - exhibition of Night Sky photographs
Come to the Marine Museum for the Launch of "The
Kids' Book of Canadian Exploration"
Date: Sunday, October 3
Time: 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M.
Marine Museum
Written by Ann-Maureen Owens and Jane Lealland, Illustrated
by John Mantha
Meet the authors and have your copy of this new book
personally signed. Navigational tools from the book
will be on display.
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston
55 Ontario Street
Kingston, Ontario K7L 2Y2
Tel: 613-542-2261 Fax: 613-542-0043
Theatre Kingston presents the international smash hit
Playwrite: Michael Frayn
Dates: October 6-24, 2004
Place: Intergrated Learning Centre: Beamish-Munro Hall
(Corner of Division and Union)
Featuring Matthew Gibson, Mo Bock, Heather Bonham, Directed
by Caroline Baillie
Theatre Kingston proudly presents The Kingston Premiere
of the international smash hit COPENHAGEN by Michael
The Tony Award-winning play that soars at the intersection
of science and art, Copenhagen is an explosive re-imagining
of the mysterious wartime meeting between two Nobel
laureates to discuss the atomic bomb. In 1941, with
Europe torn apart by WWII, the German physicist Werner
Heisenberg made a strange trip to Copenhagen to see
his Danish counterpart and friend, Neils Bohr. Why Heisenberg
went to Copenhagen and what he wanted to say to Bohr
are questions that have exercised historians ever since.
In Michael Frayn’s new play, an ambitious, fiercely
intelligent, and daring dramatic sensation,
Heisenberg meets Bohr and his wife, Margrethe, once
again to look for the answers to work out - just as
they had worked out the internal function of the atom
- how we can ever know why we do what we do. A quantum
drama of sorts, has been hailed as a masterpiece by
audiences and critics alike. (From the Anchor Books
For showtimes, tickets, or more info, call 544-2021
or visit
Theatre Kingston: Artistic Director: Craig Walker -
"Here on the Flight Path" presented by Thousand
Islands Playhouse Springer Theatre
Dates: October 6 - 30
Place: Playhouse Springer Theatre
Pay What You Can - Preview - October 6.
Evening performances: Tuesday - Saturday at 8 PM
Matinees: Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday at : 2:30
Adult Tickets: $25 -$30; Senior Tickets: $23 - $28;
Students: $15; Groups (20+): $20
Box Office - 613 382-7020 - Open Daily at 11 AM for more information or
to buy on-line.
The Thousand Islands Playhouse Springer Theatre soars
into Autumn with Norm Foster starring in his own smash
hit "Here on the Flight Path". Set on adjoining
balconies over three and a half years, "Here on
the Flight Path" follows divorced newspaper columnist
John Cummings (Norm Foster) as he interacts with the
three women who move through his life as neighbours
(all played by Melodee Finlay). For John, living on
the edge of Toronto's Pearson Airport, the coming and
going of jet planes is simply a metaphor for the way
life flies by. When you don't grab tomorrow by the tail,
you're left on the edge of the runway, on the outskirts
of life.
690 Charles St. S. Box 241 Gananoque On K7G 2T8
Administration: 613 382-7086 [email protected]
Call to Artists: The Ontario Science Centre
The Ontario Science Centre is seeking expressions of
interest from artists whose work reflects a blending
of the Arts and Sciences. Works are to be commissioned
for Grand Central, a new space under development as
part of their "Agents of Change" renewal initiative.
Serving as the inspirational start and end point of
every Science Centre visit, this majestic hall will
reflect the elemental foundations of science: Earth,
Air , Fire, and Water. The selected installations will
fuse art, science, and technology in innovative ways
to create a memorable experience for Centre visitors.
Artists working in all media will be considered. For
verb gallery welcomes submissions
Artists are asked to submit slides/photos in traditional
format or digital form. 'verb gallery' is dedicated
to the promotion of emerging artist's work.
Terry O'Reilly
75 Princess Sreet (Wayfarer Books)
Kingston, Ontario
Watercolour Workshops or Creativity Retreat Weekends
Local watercolour artist Christina Kearns uses painting
as a tool for meditation. Watercolour workshops or creativity
retreat weekends are available.
Christina at [email protected] or call 353-1302
Workshops in Music Education & Lecture Recitals
on Art of Teaching, June 28, 29, 30, 2005
The Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. The Royal
Conservatory of Music invites the submission of proposals
for workshops and lecture-recitals on all topics related
to music education, for presentation during Art of Teaching,
a conference for music educators of all subjects, instruments,
and disciplines.
All inquiries may be directed to Janet Kennedy, Academic
Coordinator ~ Group Instruction, by phone: 416-408-2824
ext. 343,
or by email: [email protected]
Call for Submissions for The Art Festival at St. Andrew's
-by -the Lake United Church
Deadline: Oct.28
The Art Festival at St. Andrew's -by -the Lake United
Church welcome amateur and professional artists to enter
their show which runs from November 12th to 14th.The
show is part of the West Side Studio Tour.
To receive an entry form contact Shirley Ovens at 389-0586
Brampton Indie Arts Festival 2005 - call for submissions.
This festival is looking for writers, musicians, filmmakers,
dancers, painters, photographers, puppeteers, spoken
word artists, sculptors and all other to submit their
work. Visit
The Basics of Shooting High Definition Course in Toronto
Monday, October 25
Participants will be introduced to the High Definition
camera. Participants will be taught:• the fundamentals
of operating a HD camera, basic light techniques for
interior and exterior, limitations and boundaries in
shooting 35mm. Visual analysis and comparisons between
traditional film, digital and HD formats will be discussed.
Location: William F. White, 1030 Islington Ave. (at
Bloor St. West)
Time: 6:00-6:30pm, check-in; 6:30-8:30pm, session
Pre-registration required by: TBA
Enrolment is limited to 30. Please call to register
at 416.322.3430 x21 or email a completed registration
form to [email protected] or fax to 416.322.3703. You will
be contacted to confirm your participation in the session.
* Single Session Fee: $30 + GST members, $45 + GST non-members;
Series Fee: $100 + GST members, $140 + GST non-members
The Basics of Shooting 35mm Course in Toronto
Date TBAParticipants will be introduced to 35mm film
camera. Participants will be taught: the fundamentals
of operating a 35mm camera, basic lighting techniques
for interior and exterior, in camera techniques and
effects that are available to low budget filmmakers,
limitations and boundaries in shooting 35mm
Westport and Area Fall Colours Studio Tour - Carl Lee's
Thanksgiving weekend: 10 am to 5 pm
There will be sculpture, assemblages, collages and mixed
media along with 2 guest artists' work.
For brochure information call Carol Lee at (613)530-1117
TONE DEAF 3 Kingston's annual festival of experimental
sound performance
Date: October 7-9
Place: Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre
Date: October 10
Place: Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Ticket Prices: $10 for general admission and $6 for
students, unemployed, and seniors.Festival Pass: $30
/ $20.
Tickets: Modern Fuel Gallery at 21-A Queen Street, Agnes
Art Centre at Queen's University, and Zap Records at
940 Princess Street.
Modern Fuel, with the collaboration of the Agnes Etherington
Art Centre, is proud to present an extraordinary lineup
of acclaimed performers over four nights. From Kingston's
16 year old composer Irfaan Manji to New York's legendary
Phill Niblock who celebrates his 71st birthday next
week, and everything in between! Don't miss this sonic
spectacular. Check out our full programme and artist
biographies at Contact [email protected]
or [email protected] for more information.
The Kingston Symphony's two evenings of absolute cool
with New Orleans and Dixieland jazz
Dates:Thursday, October 14
Friday, October 15
Time: 8 p.m.
Liven up your Friday nights! The first concert in the
Kingston Symphony’s unique Friday Night Live Series
is a chance to let off steam and relax to the sounds
of the sizzling south, and the witness the unbelievable
talent of two jazz greats., Detroit’s internationally
recognized jazzmen, trumpeter Marcus Belgrave and clarinetist,
Charlie Gabriel will play new arrangements of New Orleans
and Dixieland jazz. From the Basin Street Blues to the
Bourbon Street Parade, you will feel the excitement
and pulse of the hottest city in the southern states
through the hot horns and entertaining stage vocals
of Belgrave and Gabriel together with their five-piece
band and full symphony orchestra.
Tickets: Grand Theatre Box Office, 218 Princess Street,
or call (613) 530-2050,
or online at
October 16-17: Harry Rosen Memorial Symposium on Hasidic
Saturday Evening, Oct 16 - Sunday Oct 17
On the two days prior to Diane Wolkstein's lecture,
the Centre for Jewish Studies is offering a gathering
of storytellers & scholars entitled "Hasidic
Tales" which will be open to the public. Two world-famous
storytellers Yitzhak Buxbaum and Diane Wolkstein, an
envoy from the Hasidic world MOSHE YIDA LEIBOWITZ (nephew
of the Nikolsburger Rebbe) and seven other leading scholars
from Canada, the USA and Denmark, will explore the magic
& power of Hasidic legends & parables.
Free and open to the public
Times and locations to be announced closer to the dates.
Details: 533-6359
Theatre 5 Presents "The Hack" starring H.
Benjamin Ellis
Dates: September 23 to October 9th
Thursday-Saturdays at 8:p.m.
Tickets: $15/adults-$12.50/seniors-$10/students
Place:Theatre 5
370 King St. West
A one man show written by Charles Robertson about a
man trapped in a dead-end job driving cab who dreams
of escape, of turning his modest skills as a writer
into Hollywood stardom. But time is against him. The
twisted passengers that enter his cab
are slowly but surely driving him mad. Greg Burliuk
of the Kingston Whig Standard says: "It is a powerful
piece of theatre" "intense" "wild
and crazy" "funny, bitter & heart rending".
Kingston Symphony Association presents the "Vinyl
Record Sale!"
The Volunteer Committee of the Kingston Symphony Association
presents its Vinyl Record Sale, Wednesday, September
29 - Saturday, October 2, J. K. Tett
Complex, 370 King St. W. Vinyl is Back! All kinds of
recorded music, many in immaculate condition. Lps, 45s,
78s, CDs and tapes! Open Wednesday,
September 29 from 5 pm - 8 pm, and Thursday, September
30 to Saturday,
October 2 from 10 am - 4 pm.
For more information, call the Kingston Symphony Office
at 546-9729.
And now for some buzzzzz..........*....from the Blog-Website
GREG SANDOW on the future of classical music Thursday,
September 23, 2004
New music in Toronto
Or, rather, no new music in Toronto. I'm talking about
the amazing news yesterday about the Toronto Symphony
-- they're going to banish new music from their regular
season, at least for this year, and stick it off by
itself in a few concerts next spring.
I imagine many people will be outraged. If you're a
serious classical music person, you're supposed to support
new music, and demand that orchestras play it whether
their audience likes it or not.
But I'd like to take another view. Maybe the Toronto
Symphony's management is right. If some large part of
the regular audience hates new music, why force them
to hear it? Maybe we're better off segregating new works
in special concerts. Suppose the mainstream classical
audience and the new music audience just aren't the
same people. Then new music might do better by itself,
where it could draw the audience that wanted it.
Of course, some people will say that there really are
members of the regular audience who want to hear new
music. Maybe some of these audience members will angrily
e-mail me. I met an audience member like that just the
other day -- someone who goes to normal orchestra concerts,
and who you'd swear was a straightahead Beethoven listener,
and yet told me she loved hearing new sounds.
But how many people like her are there, in the standard
orchestra audience? I'd love to see some studies. Does
anyone actually know how many people in the orchestra
audience like to hear new music? Some orchestra professionals
I know, perhaps with better data than I have, think
the number is very, very small.
Some people, of course, will tell me success stories
-- about concerts on which mainstream orchestras played
new music, and the audience loved it. I can tell those
stories myself. But does this prove that the audience
wants to hear more new music -- that they'll be happy
when they see new pieces on an orchestra's schedule?
It might not. People might find that they like an occasional
new piece, but still, on the whole, might cringe at
the thought of hearing lots of new music.
And even if I'm wrong, the moral to draw might not
be that the Toronto Symphony is walking away from its
duty. Instead, maybe the moral is that, in the past,
they didn't do their duty the right way. Along, I might
add, with most other orchestras. What have they done
to get their audience interested in new stuff? Do they
talk to their audience? Do they present new works with
passion and commitment? Are they in constant communication
with their audience -- using every form of communication
they can think of -- to make sure their audience knows
why new works are performed? Do they let the audience
talk back, and do they take seriously what it says?
Maybe, just maybe, the audience feels new works are
an affront to it because, in actual fact, that's exactly
what they are -- pieces that the orchestra knows the
audience won't like, which it goes out and programs
anyway, without caring enough to reach out and explain
In the end, I wonder if the Toronto Symphony isn't
giving the classical music world exactly what it deserves.
For so many years -- generations -- the situation of
new music has been a disgrace. I'm not blaming anybody:
not the institutions, not the audience, certainly not
the composers. But an art form that can't handle new
work -- in which new work is a problem -- can't be in
good shape.
But hardly anyone addresses this. Hardly anybody says,
"This is an outrage! We have to find out how things
got this way, and address the causes right at the root."
Instead, nearly everybody limps along, trying to have
it both ways. We play new music, because we think it's
the right thing to do, but we don't play too much of
it, because we'd scare our audience. Does this make
sense? Is there any real conviction behind it? Shouldn't
the people who don't want to hear new music rise up
and say, "That's enough! Don't torture our ears
with this junk!" And shouldn't the people who support
new music rise up just as strongly, and yell, "We're
not putting up with this either! We're going out to
find ways to do all the new music we want!"
I know -- I'm being unfair. I'm imagining the aggrieved
faces of many fine people I know in this business, people
who really love new music, but who work inside the mainstream,
and need to be practical. If it weren't for them, the
mainstream would be worse than it is, and composers
might get their works played a lot less often. (As a
composer myself, I wouldn't like that.)
And yet it's refreshing to see someone (like the Toronto
Symphony) take a radical stand, on either side of the
question. It's refreshing to see someone get up and
say, "Look, there's a huge elephant in the room,
and nobody dares to talk about it. So we're going to
find a way to get the elephant out of here."
Will someone now say, "We love the elephant! And
we're going to find a way to show everyone just how
fabulous their lives are going to be when the elephant
really cuts loose"?
posted by greg @ 8:36 pm | Permanent Link
We need your input! We are relying on you to send us
information - this may be about your studio tour, upcoming
exhibition/performance, workshops, studio space for
sublet, or awards. Submissions are included in ArtsBUZZ
for FREE. In order to be posted submissions must include
contact info such as an email address and/or telephone
number, location of event and date. Please email your
submission no more than one month in advance of its
date. While KAC attempts to verify the accuracy of submissions
posted, we are not responsible for the content or omissions.
We prefer to receive submissions in electronic format,
so they can be cut and pasted into the newsletter. Please
check for spelling and other errors prior to sending.
We will also use ArtsBUZZ as a quick way to let you
know about some of things that are happening at the
Kingston Arts Council.
We welcome your feedback and look forward to your submissions.
If you wish to be removed from ArtsBUZZ please email
[email protected] with "remove from ArtsBUZZ"
in the subject.
If you would like to be added to the list please contact
KAC at [email protected], or (613) 546-2787 with
"Subscribe to ArtsBUZZ" in the subject.
ArtsBUZZ is the Kingston Arts Council's newest service
to help keep KAC members informed of regionally relevant
arts news and events. Our intention is to send it to
you via email on a bi-weekly basis so that you receive
it on Thursday or Friday - just in time to plan for
the upcoming weekend and the following two weeks.
Kingston Arts Council is grateful to the following for
their support:
Camera Kingston
Corporation of the City of Kingston
Community Foundation of Greater Kingston
Davies Charitable Foundation
Kingston Community Credit Union Ltd.
Kingston Frameworks Limited
Kingston Economic Development Corporation (KEDCO)
Ontario Arts Council
Human Resources Development Canada
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Seaway Documents Solutions
Wallack's Art & Drafting Supplies