Project Grants

Operating Grants


City of Kingston Arts Fund Grants

2010 CKAF Jury Nominations

Kingston City Council approved a significant increase in funding to Kingston arts groups, creating the City of Kingston Arts Fund (CKAF) in 2007. The Kingston Arts Council (KAC) has been designated to administer this fund on an ongoing basis on behalf of the city according to a well-defined KAC Administration Plan accepted on an annual basis by Council.

One of the key elements in the KAC Business Plan is that applications for funding will be juried and allocated by peer assessment. This will be done by the KAC Grants Committee, composed of jurors who will be:

  • Arts professionals, practitioners and/or persons who are knowledgeable in the arts with high standing within the arts community. Efforts will be made to ensure, where possible, that a wide range of artistic disciplines is represented. All members should have broad knowledge and experience of the arts, arts organizations and related issues;
  • Knowledgeable about the City of Kingston context and the broader arts environment beyond their area of expertise;
  • Able to articulate their opinions, and work in a group decision-making environment. They must also possess good communication and interpersonal skills;
  • Reflective of Kingston’s gender, demographic and cultural diversity as much as possible.

To create this peer assessment group, the KAC maintains a master list of potential jurors to serve on the KAC Grants Committee. If you would like to nominate someone to be a potential juror, please forward his or her name to the KAC Grants Committee at [email protected] or 613-546-2999.

If you are interested in being considered for the jury pool yourself, please feel free to download and submit the Juror Interest Form (available for download below) to the KAC Board and provide a CV which includes current and previous interests and/or affiliations in the field.

Those selected to sit on a jury will be asked to identify direct and/or indirect conflicts of interest with regard to specific applications and sign a declaration as a means of documenting the integrity of the process. At the jury meeting, the Chair will answer questions and facilitate discussion on each juror’s impartiality and decide how the situation will be managed.

In order to maintain independence in decision-making, members of the KAC Grants Committee must not disclose that they have been selected. Their names will be published when the decisions of the Grants Committee are announced. Discussions during jury meetings are confidential. Communication of jury results and relevant jury comments will be made via the KAC Administrator’s office only.


Juror Interest Form (MS Word)
Juror Interest Form (PDF)

If you have questions about the Grants Program please contact:

Ted Worth, Grants Director or Sayyida Jaffer, Grants Assistant
at the Kingston Arts Council Grants Department
613-546-2999 or [email protected].